Lizzy-Mr. Wig, Our Guinea Pig
Angela-Who Am I? ABCs
Kaylee-The One Thing I Won't Eat
Kate-The Scarlet Pimpernel
Robin-The Marvelous Homework and Housework Machine
Alli-Let Me Out of the Classroom
I thought all of these movies were really good. It was cool to see how they used different effects in their movies. Mine was pretty basic, and I didn't really explore too many of the effects options.
I think that this would be a pretty tricky thing to do with elementary students. It was pretty time consuming for me to do, so I would imagine it would be pretty hard to do with the students as well. I can't really think of a time when teachers would have enough time to be able to do a project like this. It seems like teachers have a hard enough time fitting in all of the curriculum. But I guess really ambitious teachers could do this. And they could have students participate by making illustrations for the movie, like in the example movie we watched for our voicethread. So I guess it's doable, just pretty hard and time consuming.