Tuesday, October 20, 2009

PLE # 7

Content: Grade 6
Standard 1: Students will understand that the appearance of the moon changes in a predictable cycle as it orbits Earth and as Earth rotates on its axis.
Objective 1: Explain patterns of changes in the appearance of the moon as it orbits Earth.
d. Design an investigation, construct a chart, and collect data depicting the phases of the moon.

Pedagogy: The students will observe the phases of the moon using stellarium. They will make a chart showing each of the phases of the moon.

Technology: The students will use stellarium to view the moon.

The students will observe the phases of the moon for a month. They will make drawings of the moon as it looks each night or observation. At the end of the month we will talk about what the students have observed. They can either make their observations by looking outside, or by using stellarium. For those who want to do a little more, they can use stellarium to find the phases of the moon for the same month but 50 years earlier. They can make a chart showing comparisons or contrasting features they observed.

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